Sunday, March 1, 2015


"Of course I did, thought Peter; it almost broke my heart too, he thought; and was overcome with his own grief, which rose like a moon looked at from a terrace, ghastly beautiful with light from the sunken day.  I was more unhappy than I've ever been since, he thought.  And as if in truth he were sitting there on the terrace he edged a little towards Clarissa; put his hand out; raised it; let it fall.  There above them it hung, that moon.  She too seemed to be sitting with him on the terrace, in the moonlight" (Woolf 42).

This passage represents how the past directly affects the present.  Peter Walsh just returned to London after five years of being in India and the first thing he does is visit his former love Clarissa.  He reflects back to the night he proposed to her, also the night she rejected him.  He sees the moon which they "looked at from a terrace."  His old feelings of love and "grief" are coming back to him through his flashback, proving how past events correlate with current events.

Just like Mrs. Dalloway, the TV show Arrow begins with no back story, it goes straight into the plot.  The show follows Oliver Queen, the son of a billionaire who goes missing for five years until he finally returns home, and his quest to protect his city by using his knowledge of the past to help with his current situation.  During each episode, there are two different time lines going on, one in the past and one in the present.  In order to understand the events occurring, you must understand the events that caused it to happen.

In this passage, there are also two timelines, one where Peter is in Clarissa's room and the other is the moment that Peter wishes he can forget.  But just like Oliver, he can't escape the past; the past is what shapes the present and the future.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I haven't watched Arrow yet, but I heard it's a good show, and I love the similarities you found between Mrs. Dalloway and Arrow. Nice job analyzing also! :D
