Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hair Straighteners

Over the years, the hair straightener has become more and more popular.  Women all over the world use it to get their hair perfectly straight.  God forbid there be a single curl or wave in their hair.  I don't think I have a friend who doesn't have a straightener in her home.  But why do some girls feel like having straight hair is the only way they feel confident about themselves?

I have a friend who straightens her hair almost every chance she gets.  She naturally has curly hair, but has repeatedly told me how much she hates it.  She even wants to get it permanently straightened.   Just like how David Foster Wallace is "confused" on the morality of killing lobsters, I am "confused" on her motives.  I do not understand why she wants to get rid of her naturally beautiful, curly hair for stick straight hair.  I understand why people want to straighten their hair sometimes; it's fun to chance your appearance once in a while.  But permanently changing your appearance to conform to a standard is very nonsensical.  What part of society has made it alright for women to believe they have to change themselves in order to fit in?  Women should be able to feel confident without feeling like they need to change something as simple as the way their hair looks.

1 comment:

  1. I love the message of this blog, and I love how you used rhetorical questions to make readers think. Good job! :D
