Sunday, November 2, 2014

Skinny Steve

This week, we read a few chapters in The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison.  The whole book is about how women's beauty standards affect women but while I was reading it, I started thinking about the societal standards for men.  In doing so, I realized that those standards had a huge impact on Steve Roger's (Captain America) life.

Back before Captain America was Captain America, he was a short, unusually skinny man from Brooklyn, New York.  Before the procedure, girls ignored him.  After the procedure, girls loved him.  Everything stayed the same except one thing, his body.  In order for a man to be considered handsome in society, they have to be tall and muscular.  Steve Rogers is the total opposite of this standard so it is no surprise that he is having trouble finding a girl.  

In the picture to the left, it is clear that this women really likes Steve.  However, if he had walked into that room before the procedure, the women would have totally ignored him.  Even though this movie takes place in the 1940s, this standard still exists today.  There aren't very many movies where the main character is a short, skinny man or a man that is on the heavier side.  Also, there aren't really any magazines with pictures of men that aren't tall, muscular, and tan.  It is sad that society cares more about someone's physical appearance than their personality.


  1. Hey Whitney! I really like how you connected The Bluest Eye to Captain America. Also, another connection between the two is that they both take place in the 1940s! Like you said, it is quite sad that everybody is so obsessed with physical appearances. People should really take time to appreciate what's on the inside.

  2. I loved the alliterative title! Haha, nice way to connect the two societies of Captain America and The Bluest Eye, and of 1940's America and now America. Great post, as always! :D
